Dear Taskforce members,
We have some upcoming events I’d like to invite you too and some exciting news about the t-shirts. Pop the dates in your calendar and please let me know if you’re able to make any of the events below by replying to this email so I know who is coming on the day.
Ciara (YCA Taskforce coordinator)
Whitfield Pocket Garden
Next weekend, Sunday the 17th November at 3 pm on the corner of Trundle Terrace and Grace Close, Whitfield. The Taskforce is visiting the Whitfield Pocket Garden to meet with gardeners and share knowledge about yellow crazy ants. Come along if you’re interested in meeting new people and want to share your knowledge about yellow crazy ants. Gardeners will learn how to recognise the ant and lure survey around the garden to check for any suspect ants.
Surveying the Barron River for Yellow Crazy Ants
Field officers from the Yellow Crazy Ant Eradication Program and the local Bulmba Rangers are working together to survey the north side of the Barron River in Kuranda. The lure survey will start at the weir on the 18th of November and move up the river to the main bridge before entering a residential area. Residents living off Black Mountain Road will be notified by the taskforce with doorknocking and letterbox drop on the weekend of the 23rd of November, Saturday at 3 pm on the corner of Black Mountain Rd and the Kennedy Highway.
Our task is to notify residents, answer any questions and pass on information to the field officers if required. It’s also an opportunity to share with residents what we know about yellow crazy ants.
Did you know Black Mountain Road has stunning rainforest? Cassowaries have been seen from this road. So who’s with me? I’m looking for 4 to 6 taskforce members.
T-shirt Update and FUNdraiser
Our t-shirts are progressing! I have ordered 50 100% cotton sublimated t-shirts with the winning t-shirt design and logo. However, the taskforce is short on funds to pay for the printed t-shirts so we are fundraising to make up the difference. The taskforce needs you to come and sell sell sell!
The taskforce has been invited to attend a Tropical Tree Day event on the 1st Dec in Edmonton and Tropical Tree Day in Kuranda on the 7th Dec. It’s at these events the taskforce will be selling raffle tickets to enter a prize draw. I am currently sourcing prize donations so if yourself or someone you know could donate an eco-friendly prize, please ask and get in contact with me.
The Tropical Tree Day event is on Sunday the 1st Dec is from 8 am-10 am on Fisherman Rd, Edmonton. Click here for more details.
The Tropical Tree Day on the 7th Dec in Kuranda is confirmed but details are still coming. The taskforce will fundraise at this event by hosting the BBQ and selling raffle tickets.
I have colours blue and green to choose from for the t-shirt. Please head over to @ycacommunitytaskforce Facebook page to vote for the colour you like.