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Check out what we've been up to in March 2022

Who Are The Taskforce Volunteers?

Tim Brown

Age: 60

Cairns QLD

Why do you volunteer?

I feel I can make a difference in the world and some causes need help. I am passionate about the outdoors and the natural world. Some things such as yellow crazy ants are just not meant to be here.

How did you first get involved?

I met the taskforce coordinator at a local coffee shop and was asked if I wanted to get involved as a volunteer in the Kuranda yellow crazy ant community Taskforce.

How long have you been volunteering with the task force?

3 years now.

What do you love about volunteering?

Being around like-minded people that are working toward the same goal. I enjoy helping to train new volunteers, seeing young people getting involved, and the delicious morning tea or lunch that is provided. I really love doing the surveys in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. It’s fun helping at events, and I like sharing my knowledge with the wider community about yellow crazy ants.

Tim Brown supporting the community taskforce at the 2021 FNQ Rotary Field Day

Bernd Seidl

Age: 70

Yorkeys Knob QLD

Why do you volunteer?

I am a nature warrior and I like meeting nice people.

How did you first get involved?

I was invited by a friend of mine who was the task force coordinator at the time.

How long have you been volunteering with the Taskforce?

4-5 years

What do you love about volunteering?

The task force is a good bunch of people. They are like-minded and open. I like the experience.

Nader Peard

Age: 13

From Kuranda, Qld

Why do you volunteer? 

It is fun and I learn new skills in the things I am interested in, like ants.  I know it is good for my community.  It helps the wildlife.

How did you get involved?

I saw an advertisement for the Yellow Crazy Ant Taskforce and knew it was important to get rid of them because they do so much damage to the wildlife.

How long have you been volunteering?

I think it may be about 4 years

What do you love about volunteering?

I love knowing that I am making a difference.  I love the things I learn and making new friends who feel the same about protecting wildlife.  I love that I learn how to use equipment and do fieldwork which is important.  It’s so much fun and interesting.  I even learned how to use a GPS.

Nader Peard was nominated for the Young Cassowary Award for his dedication to volunteering with the Taskforce.

Green Forest Resident Yellow Crazy Ant Encounter

Linden Henry found yellow crazy ants near his house in 2019 near Kuranda and shares some of his experiences with us here.


What did you first notice here at your property on Green Forest Road Kuranda?

I’ve had some experience in dealing with yellow crazy ants from visiting a previous outbreak in Cairns, so I knew what they look like. I was doing some mowing out the back of my property and overturned a few tree branches and the ants came pouring out of the ground. I was confident that they were yellow crazy ants, so I took a sample to the Wet Tropics Management Authority’s Yellow Crazy Ant Eradication Program office and had them identified just to make sure and it was a positive detection.

Tell me what your first experience was like and what you took away that later led to having yellow crazy ants in your own backyard?

A lot of people have a perception of ‘how bad can a few ants be?’ But when you see a major outbreak and see that everywhere you look—along the ground, in the trees—everything is covered in yellow crazy ants and then you do not see anything else—no birds, no spiders, no lizards—you realise it is bare of any other species, just yellow crazy ants. I remember thinking wow you wouldn’t want them in your house and then years later here we are: I have yellow crazy ants. The saving was that a fair bit of research had already occurred since the first detection of yellow crazy ants in Cairns, and they had been successfully detected, treated, and monitored nearby at Russett Park.

What message do you have for your community and other residents, people who may not know about yellow crazy ants that may live near or in an infestation area?

The main thing is to get familiar: know your enemy, know what they look like and don’t be blasé about them. Early detection is vital which means easier to eradicate a small infestation before growing into ever-increasing size and numbers. I had to wait for the surveys to be finalised before treatments commenced, and I did say I would take measures myself to protect the shed, house, and cars because I didn’t want them in the house or shed. Once treatments started amazingly the numbers decreased quite quickly. This was after four treatments each year for two years. This year they did a survey and brought their odour detection dog out to have a sniff around and didn’t find any more. It is like most pests: you need to have that follow up. Eradication is difficult if you drop your guard, so monitoring should be everyone’s responsibility. It’s in the landowner’s best interest not to leave it up to a handful of other people to keep checking their properties. Know what you are dealing with so you can keep an eye out for them. Once you have an eye for them, you soon pick them up differently from the native varieties. Take time to get to know them.

 Full interview coming soon here:

Green Forest resident, Linden Henry shows us where he first detected yellow crazy ants on his property.
Linden Henry shows us where he first detected yellow crazy ants at Green Forest Road.

Volunteer with us

Volunteer and join the Taskforce or stay informed about yellow crazy ants

What’s Coming Up

You want to get involved in our awesome events?

What’s happening

Free domestic green waste disposal days Kuranda and Mareeba transfer station Saturday 2 April & Sunday 3rd April 2022

Yellow Crazy Ant Conversations                       
Our Kuranda Community Taskforce Coordinator will be sharing an update from the Authoritys Yellow Crazy Ant Eradication program.  This will be @ Kuranda Envirocares community tree planting event and will be followed by a complimentary BBQ.
All welcome!

WHERE: Corner of Barnwell Rd & Oak Forest Rd Kuranda at 3 pm (signs for parking will be out) WHEN: Sunday 10 April 3-5 pm

Surveys in Kuranda Tree Frog habitat   
Invasive ants have been found in critical frog habitats and are under threat from yellow crazy ants. Checking for invasive ants will ensure the protection of this endemic and critically endangered species. We need your help so get in touch if you can help out with the survey. A medium level of fitness will be required due to some steep terrain.

WHERE: Jum Rum Creek, end Arara St Kuranda WHEN: Sat 30 April @ 8 – 1 pm

Protect your Patch Launch – Grow something great

‘How to quarantine a pot plant’- Video launch coming soon! Available on the website in April.

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    On a final note

    The Community Taskforce is a community-run organisation that assists the Wet Tropics Management Authority in managing the yellow crazy ant infestations in Kuranda. Volunteers are involved in some aspects of the program, including undertaking monitoring activities, completing surveys of known infestation areas and surveys in the surrounding area.

    We search for both yellow crazy ants and electric ants.

    To report illegal dumping contact Mareeba Shire Council on 1300 308 461. Report yellow crazy ants call 1800 CRAZY ANT

    To volunteer with the Yellow Crazy Ant Community Taskforce call (07) 4093 8989, email  or visit @ycacommunitytaskforce Facebook page.

    Ciara Bridgland

    Yellow Crazy Ant Community Taskforce Coordinator

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